Monthly Archives: June 2023

I updated my Facebook business page

Here is a quick little “housekeeping” notice. I have a business Facebook page called Carolyn’s Stamp Store that I started back in 2011 to help market my rubber art stamp line. After expanding into other art supplies in addition to the other rubber stamps, I renamed my Etsy shop CarolynHDesign.

The Carolyn’s Stamp Store Facebook page has been getting a lot more traffic lately so I updated some of the info on it this morning so people who visit it don’t get TOO lost and confused. I have a lot of tidying up to do on it as well as on most of my online accounts and web sites.

The month of July 2023 will be my 25th anniversary of launching my first web site, Lime Green Evolution World of Art, later renamed to! Things really change a lot in 25 years don’t they! The Lime Green News site needs a lot of repair and updating but still has a lot of content on it, some of it useful if you ignore the aging infrastructure. I have a very different philosophy of web sites now than when I started. As I repair I will start replacing the infrastructure bit by bit while keeping some things “old fashioned” on purpose.

Back in 2020, my husband Tom and I made a series of videos to help share art with people, which we called Virtual Art Parties. We did 8 or 9 videos before getting overwhelmed with exhaustion and personal crises (mostly affecting me). I had nothing in the tank for awhile to attempt to help other people, I needed everything I had to survive then help myself so I could help others. I attempted to restart the Virtual Art Party series this past spring. Here is the resulting video with special guest my Dad, Don Hasenfratz. This was going to be a lot longer but it got cut off early, maybe by a wifi glitch or something. I didn’t realize until it was over that only the introduction was recorded. After watching it, I am sharing it here because I still like what was conveyed. Check it out if you’re interested.

Posted by Carolyn’s Stamp Store on Monday, April 10, 2023

I have experimented with other video platforms in the meantime, but for now Facebook Live is still the easiest that I know so I’ll likely keep using it for awhile as I gradually restart the video series.

Thanks for reading!